Nursing Courses in Australia

Nursing Courses in Australia

Kick-start your career in Nursing!

Looking to study and make a promising career in Nursing?

Discover the thriving and expanding Australian healthcare industry. With a 23% projected growth, the different nursing qualification has started with some being exceptional. Students can choose between a registered nurse, medication endorsed enrolled nurse, or a midwife.

Nurses are highly demanded globally and in Australia, there’s a skill shortage for nurses which makes the supply low.

Due to high demand in Australia for nurses, occupations such as a Registered Nurse, An Aged Care Registered Nurse, and A Nurse Practitioner is often listed in the Skilled Occupations List. An assessment procedure by the authority of Australian Nursing and Midwifery Accreditation Council, ANMAC for Registered nurses and practitioners are taken and then a decision is made if permanent residency is applicable or not. Nursing graduates can look for and build a career in medicine to invest in a brighter future in Australia.

Available Courses in Australia for Nursing

According to the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia’s Provision, enrolled nurses mostly work under the authority and direction of a registered nurse. There are some things that only a registered nurse is allowed to do. An Enrolled Nurse known as EEN is the one gone through additional training that allows them to administer medications.

There are 4 types of degrees in Nursing that include Bachelors, Masters, Diploma of Nursing, and finally the IQN Program for nurses.

The IQN program is specially designed to prepare nurses internationally for Australian registration. This program bridges the gap and helps in increasing employment along with confidence.